A Static Website is a website that contain Web pages with a fixed content. Each pages coded with HTML language and display the information to visitors. Static Websites are the most basic type of website which has the easiest way to create A Static Website can be built simply by creating a few HTML pages and Publishing them to Web Server. As the static Web Pages contain a fixed code language the content of each page would not change unless it is manually changed by the developer. This works good with the small website companies but it is difficult for large companies which has thousands of pages to be maintained. So the Larger website companies use the dynamic website pages which can be updated by simply modifying the database of the website. Static Websites contain many pages which are often designed by using the templates which makes it possible to update many pages at time and also helps to provide a consistent layout throughout the website
Why Choose Static Web Design
Static Web Design contains website with the web pages linked to each other using Font, Graphics based Logo containing text or simple design graphics. Further, the Professional web designers create an attractive, professional, unique website design which is easy to navigate, compatibly browser and easily download graphics. Static web design is for people who prefer a better search engine friendly website. They are the one who deliver the content for the website visitors who search for information. If there is need to update the website content regularly the information on the website is fixed, then the static web design is a best option. With a static web design one can make simple changes very quicky and it is more cost effective. If we often changes the website content then should go for the dynamic website which costs little more but vast in terms of its functionality.

Benefits of Static Web Design

- Designing incredible static websites
- Create professional website that will be easy to use.
- Create SEO friendly website content.
- Static Website by operative business promotion.
- Prefer to provide cost effective web solutions.
- 24*7 support through Live chat, phone and E-mail.
- Assist Clients until they are satisfied
- Static website can assist by loading the pages faster
- It is valuable for small organizations with less pages.
- Static website can exhibits the online presence easily.
- Easy to design and does not require much technical knowledge.
- It can contain specific information related to the website.
- Easily accessible control panel.
- It is very effective and can quickly load in the website.